““It is you that must make the effort.
The masters only point the way.”
~Buddha ”
What is a healing journey?
We are experiencing one everyday in many varying degrees. Life triggers us to move forward, grow and learn constantly. Whether through our work, a diagnosis, or a relationship we are presented with opportunities that challenge our personal power.
This one-on-one work is for the mindful and conscious person who wants to continue or enhance their personal power while in a time of growth.
Timing can be everything. If this has found it's way to you, then perhaps your timing has arrived.
What is the benefit of choosing an advocate during this time?
An objective observer along for the ride can open unforeseen doors, challenge and hold your best interest as paramount.
How does it feel to trust yourself while having to face decisions regarding your well-being?
When faced with a healing journey many of us get side tracked with outside static, fear, and other people's good intentions. I have developed an advocacy for those embarking on this journey of self and would like support in being mindful and conscious.
Free up your vital life force.
There are many things that unnecessarily consume our attention. By unlocking your vital life force, you free up your energy to start living a more fulfilled existence. More energy is made available to heal you. There is more energy to enjoy. And for some there is more available energy to start manifesting your hopes, desires, and dreams.
How it works.
The Journey begins with you.
First steps: Discover and strengthen your inner values. We will spend 1-2 sessions exploring what makes you, you.
Next Steps: Tap into your essence & trust it. This will be a time of discovery filled with opportunities to discard the outmoded way doing. Allowing what will serve you best in the present to be brought forth.
Development and Discovery steps: Preparation, Intention, Responsibility & other powerful tools you may need on this journey. We will explore what will best work for you, then incorporate and refine how you are utilizing your personal power.
Final Steps: The journey begins here. Your preparation is complete.
This is an opprotunity to add some incredible tools to your toolbox. You will grow and learn more about yourself in a way that supports you in being you.
The cost of a session is $125. There is a minimum sign up of 4 sessions for new clients. After that you are free to co-create what will best work for you.
Sessions in-person are available for those in the Seattle area.